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General Information

Full name: BOMAG GmbH
Brand birthplace: Germany Germany
Head office address: , () Germany

Since the early 1970s the know-how of BOMAG, world market leader in compaction, about compaction technology but also about the scientific state of fundamental knowledge and about engineering aspects and principles has led it to the top of the industry. BOMAG application consultants are present everywhere in the world, where expertise is needed for new projects, regardless whether it is large-scale projects or special problems concerning compaction details. Innovative BOMAG products such as Variomatic and ASPHALT MANAGER 2 are in use on a broad range of jobs giving consistent results at the lowest cost.

BOMAG Construction and Specialized Maschines

BOMAG Wheeled Asphalt Placers

[ ]

Now on sale: 2
Was on sale (All): 2
Number of modifications: 0

[ ]

Now on sale: 4
Was on sale (All): 4
Number of modifications: 0

[ Width with extensions (max.) 4000 mm. ]

Now on sale: 1
Was on sale (All): 1
Number of modifications: 0

[ ]

Now on sale: 0
Was on sale (All): 0
Number of modifications: 0

[ Engine power 135 kW ]

Now on sale: 2
Was on sale (All): 2
Number of modifications: 0

[ ]

Now on sale: 0
Was on sale (All): 0
Number of modifications: 0

[ Hopper capacity 7 ]

Now on sale: 0
Was on sale (All): 0
Number of modifications: 0

[ Engine power 128 kW ]

Now on sale: 0
Was on sale (All): 0
Number of modifications: 0

[ Width with extensions (max.) 7500 mm. ]

Now on sale: 1
Was on sale (All): 1
Number of modifications: 0

[ Hopper capacity 4.8 ]

Now on sale: 1
Was on sale (All): 1
Number of modifications: 0

[ Engine power 140 kW ]

Now on sale: 0
Was on sale (All): 0
Number of modifications: 0

[ ]

Now on sale: 0
Was on sale (All): 0
Number of modifications: 0

[ ]

Now on sale: 0
Was on sale (All): 0
Number of modifications: 0

[ ]

Now on sale: 0
Was on sale (All): 0
Number of modifications: 0

BOMAG Road Rollers (Combined)

[ Working speed 10 km/h ]

Now on sale: 1
Was on sale (All): 1
Number of modifications: 0

[ Roller width 2130 mm. ]

Now on sale: 0
Was on sale (All): 0
Number of modifications: 0

[ Turning radius (outside) 3890 mm. ]

Now on sale: 2
Was on sale (All): 2
Number of modifications: 0

[ ]

Now on sale: 0
Was on sale (All): 0
Number of modifications: 0

[ Engine power 119 kW ]

Now on sale: 40
Was on sale (All): 40
Number of modifications: 0

[ Turning radius (outside) 3494 mm. ]

Now on sale: 0
Was on sale (All): 0
Number of modifications: 0

[ Turning radius (outside) 3880 mm. ]

Now on sale: 0
Was on sale (All): 0
Number of modifications: 0

[ Engine power 190 kW ]

Now on sale: 0
Was on sale (All): 0
Number of modifications: 0

[ Engine power 33 kW ]

Now on sale: 1
Was on sale (All): 1
Number of modifications: 0

[ Vibration frequency 26 Hz ]

Now on sale: 1
Was on sale (All): 1
Number of modifications: 0

[ Roller diameter 1500 mm. ]

Now on sale: 0
Was on sale (All): 0
Number of modifications: 0

[ Roller diameter 1500 mm. ]

Now on sale: 0
Was on sale (All): 0
Number of modifications: 0

[ Vibration frequency 28 Hz ]

Now on sale: 1
Was on sale (All): 1
Number of modifications: 0

[ Roller diameter 1480 mm. ]

Now on sale: 0
Was on sale (All): 0
Number of modifications: 0

[ Roller width 1430 mm. ]

Now on sale: 0
Was on sale (All): 0
Number of modifications: 0

[ Engine power 33 kW ]

Now on sale: 0
Was on sale (All): 0
Number of modifications: 0

[ Roller diameter 1500 mm. ]

Now on sale: 0
Was on sale (All): 0
Number of modifications: 0

[ Roller width 1430 mm. ]

Now on sale: 0
Was on sale (All): 0
Number of modifications: 0

[ Working speed 14 km/h ]

Now on sale: 0
Was on sale (All): 0
Number of modifications: 0

[ Roller width 1430 mm. ]

Now on sale: 0
Was on sale (All): 0
Number of modifications: 0

[ Engine power 56 kW ]

Now on sale: 0
Was on sale (All): 0
Number of modifications: 0

[ Working speed 11 km/h ]

Now on sale: 8
Was on sale (All): 8
Number of modifications: 0

[ Engine power 98 kW ]

Now on sale: 0
Was on sale (All): 0
Number of modifications: 0

[ Engine power 119 kW ]

Now on sale: 0
Was on sale (All): 0
Number of modifications: 0

[ Roller width 2130 mm. ]

Now on sale: 0
Was on sale (All): 0
Number of modifications: 0

[ Roller width 1690 mm. ]

Now on sale: 37
Was on sale (All): 37
Number of modifications: 0

[ Roller diameter 1700 mm. ]

Now on sale: 0
Was on sale (All): 0
Number of modifications: 0

[ Working speed 10 km/h ]

Now on sale: 0
Was on sale (All): 0
Number of modifications: 0

[ Turning radius (outside) 3494 mm. ]

Now on sale: 0
Was on sale (All): 0
Number of modifications: 0

[ Working speed 10 km/h ]

Now on sale: 0
Was on sale (All): 0
Number of modifications: 0

[ Roller width 1686 mm. ]

Now on sale: 1
Was on sale (All): 1
Number of modifications: 0

[ ]

Now on sale: 3
Was on sale (All): 3
Number of modifications: 0

[ Vibration frequency 32 Hz ]

Now on sale: 0
Was on sale (All): 0
Number of modifications: 0

[ Roller width 2130 mm. ]

Now on sale: 0
Was on sale (All): 0
Number of modifications: 0

[ Working speed 10 km/h ]

Now on sale: 2
Was on sale (All): 2
Number of modifications: 0

[ Engine power 55.4 kW ]

Now on sale: 0
Was on sale (All): 0
Number of modifications: 0

[ Vibration frequency 31 Hz ]

Now on sale: 0
Was on sale (All): 0
Number of modifications: 0

[ Working speed 9 km/h ]

Now on sale: 0
Was on sale (All): 0
Number of modifications: 0

[ Turning radius (outside) 3494 mm. ]

Now on sale: 0
Was on sale (All): 0
Number of modifications: 0

[ Working speed 14 km/h ]

Now on sale: 0
Was on sale (All): 0
Number of modifications: 0

[ ]

Now on sale: 0
Was on sale (All): 0
Number of modifications: 0

[ Working speed 11 km/h ]

Now on sale: 0
Was on sale (All): 0
Number of modifications: 0

[ Vibration amplitude (max) 1.9 mm. ]

Now on sale: 0
Was on sale (All): 0
Number of modifications: 0

[ Vibration amplitude (max) 1.8 mm. ]

Now on sale: 3
Was on sale (All): 3
Number of modifications: 0

[ Roller diameter 1480 mm. ]

Now on sale: 0
Was on sale (All): 0
Number of modifications: 0

[ ]

Now on sale: 2
Was on sale (All): 2
Number of modifications: 0

[ Roller diameter 1500 mm. ]

Now on sale: 0
Was on sale (All): 0
Number of modifications: 0

[ Working speed 11 km/h ]

Now on sale: 0
Was on sale (All): 0
Number of modifications: 0

[ Working speed 13 km/h ]

Now on sale: 0
Was on sale (All): 0
Number of modifications: 0

[ Vibration frequency 34 Hz ]

Now on sale: 0
Was on sale (All): 0
Number of modifications: 0

[ Vibration frequency 30 Hz ]

Now on sale: 0
Was on sale (All): 0
Number of modifications: 0

[ ]

Now on sale: 67
Was on sale (All): 67
Number of modifications: 0

[ Vibration amplitude (max) 1.7 mm. ]

Now on sale: 0
Was on sale (All): 0
Number of modifications: 0

[ Turning radius (outside) 3890 mm. ]

Now on sale: 0
Was on sale (All): 0
Number of modifications: 0

[ Engine power 75 kW ]

Now on sale: 0
Was on sale (All): 0
Number of modifications: 0

[ Engine power 150 kW ]

Now on sale: 1
Was on sale (All): 1
Number of modifications: 0

[ Turning radius (outside) 3890 mm. ]

Now on sale: 0
Was on sale (All): 0
Number of modifications: 0

[ Engine power 54 kW ]

Now on sale: 9
Was on sale (All): 9
Number of modifications: 0

[ Engine power 38 kW ]

Now on sale: 0
Was on sale (All): 0
Number of modifications: 0

[ Vibration frequency 30 Hz ]

Now on sale: 0
Was on sale (All): 0
Number of modifications: 0

[ ]

Now on sale: 0
Was on sale (All): 0
Number of modifications: 0

[ ]

Now on sale: 0
Was on sale (All): 0
Number of modifications: 0

[ ]

Now on sale: 4
Was on sale (All): 4
Number of modifications: 0

[ Working speed 11 km/h ]

Now on sale: 26
Was on sale (All): 26
Number of modifications: 0

[ Working speed 10 km/h ]

Now on sale: 31
Was on sale (All): 31
Number of modifications: 0

[ Roller width 2130 mm. ]

Now on sale: 0
Was on sale (All): 0
Number of modifications: 0

[ ]

Now on sale: 9
Was on sale (All): 9
Number of modifications: 0

[ Engine power 98 kW ]

Now on sale: 1
Was on sale (All): 1
Number of modifications: 0

[ Vibration frequency 40 Hz ]

Now on sale: 4
Was on sale (All): 4
Number of modifications: 0

[ Engine power 54 kW ]

Now on sale: 0
Was on sale (All): 0
Number of modifications: 0

[ ]

Now on sale: 1
Was on sale (All): 1
Number of modifications: 0

[ ]

Now on sale: 0
Was on sale (All): 0
Number of modifications: 0

[ Vibration amplitude (max) 1.83 mm. ]

Now on sale: 0
Was on sale (All): 0
Number of modifications: 0

[ Engine power 38 kW ]

Now on sale: 0
Was on sale (All): 0
Number of modifications: 0

[ ]

Now on sale: 1
Was on sale (All): 1
Number of modifications: 0

[ Roller diameter 1500 mm. ]

Now on sale: 0
Was on sale (All): 0
Number of modifications: 0

[ ]

Now on sale: 0
Was on sale (All): 0
Number of modifications: 0

[ Vibration frequency 26 Hz ]

Now on sale: 0
Was on sale (All): 0
Number of modifications: 0

[ Engine power 150 kW ]

Now on sale: 7
Was on sale (All): 7
Number of modifications: 0

[ ]

Now on sale: 32
Was on sale (All): 32
Number of modifications: 0

[ Vibration amplitude (max) 1.7 mm. ]

Now on sale: 0
Was on sale (All): 0
Number of modifications: 0

[ Vibration amplitude (max) 2.13 mm. ]

Now on sale: 5
Was on sale (All): 5
Number of modifications: 0

[ ]

Now on sale: 0
Was on sale (All): 0
Number of modifications: 0

[ Roller width 2130 mm. ]

Now on sale: 0
Was on sale (All): 0
Number of modifications: 0

[ Vibration frequency 34 Hz ]

Now on sale: 0
Was on sale (All): 0
Number of modifications: 0

[ Engine power 56 kW ]

Now on sale: 0
Was on sale (All): 0
Number of modifications: 0

[ ]

Now on sale: 0
Was on sale (All): 0
Number of modifications: 0

[ Vibration frequency 40 Hz ]

Now on sale: 0
Was on sale (All): 0
Number of modifications: 0

[ Turning radius (outside) 3880 mm. ]

Now on sale: 0
Was on sale (All): 0
Number of modifications: 0

[ Turning radius (outside) 4260 mm. ]

Now on sale: 0
Was on sale (All): 0
Number of modifications: 0

[ Engine power 57 kW ]

Now on sale: 0
Was on sale (All): 0
Number of modifications: 0

[ ]

Now on sale: 0
Was on sale (All): 0
Number of modifications: 0

[ Engine power 90 kW ]

Now on sale: 0
Was on sale (All): 0
Number of modifications: 0

[ Roller diameter 1500 mm. ]

Now on sale: 1
Was on sale (All): 1
Number of modifications: 0

[ ]

Now on sale: 0
Was on sale (All): 0
Number of modifications: 0

[ Engine power 101 kW ]

Now on sale: 0
Was on sale (All): 0
Number of modifications: 0

[ ]

Now on sale: 0
Was on sale (All): 0
Number of modifications: 0

[ Engine power 75 kW ]

Now on sale: 2
Was on sale (All): 2
Number of modifications: 0

[ ]

Now on sale: 0
Was on sale (All): 0
Number of modifications: 0

[ Engine power 94 kW ]

Now on sale: 0
Was on sale (All): 0
Number of modifications: 0

[ Engine power 56 kW ]

Now on sale: 0
Was on sale (All): 0
Number of modifications: 0

[ ]

Now on sale: 1
Was on sale (All): 1
Number of modifications: 0

[ Turning radius (outside) 3677 mm. ]

Now on sale: 4
Was on sale (All): 4
Number of modifications: 0

[ Vibration amplitude (max) 1.9 mm. ]

Now on sale: 0
Was on sale (All): 0
Number of modifications: 0

[ Vibration amplitude (max) 1.7 mm. ]

Now on sale: 0
Was on sale (All): 0
Number of modifications: 0

[ Vibration amplitude (max) 1.64 mm. ]

Now on sale: 0
Was on sale (All): 0
Number of modifications: 0

[ Vibration frequency 36 Hz ]

Now on sale: 0
Was on sale (All): 0
Number of modifications: 0

[ ]

Now on sale: 0
Was on sale (All): 0
Number of modifications: 0

[ Engine power 114 kW ]

Now on sale: 0
Was on sale (All): 0
Number of modifications: 0

[ Engine power 115 kW ]

Now on sale: 0
Was on sale (All): 0
Number of modifications: 0

[ Engine power 114 kW ]

Now on sale: 0
Was on sale (All): 0
Number of modifications: 0

[ Working speed 13 km/h ]

Now on sale: 0
Was on sale (All): 0
Number of modifications: 0

[ Engine power 99 kW ]

Now on sale: 0
Was on sale (All): 0
Number of modifications: 0

[ Vibration amplitude (max) 1.58 mm. ]

Now on sale: 0
Was on sale (All): 0
Number of modifications: 0

[ Roller width 2130 mm. ]

Now on sale: 1
Was on sale (All): 1
Number of modifications: 0

[ Working speed 14 km/h ]

Now on sale: 0
Was on sale (All): 0
Number of modifications: 0

[ ]

Now on sale: 0
Was on sale (All): 0
Number of modifications: 0

[ ]

Now on sale: 0
Was on sale (All): 0
Number of modifications: 0

[ Turning radius (outside) 4260 mm. ]

Now on sale: 0
Was on sale (All): 0
Number of modifications: 0

[ Roller diameter 890 mm. ]

Now on sale: 0
Was on sale (All): 0
Number of modifications: 0

[ Vibration amplitude (max) 1.4 mm. ]

Now on sale: 0
Was on sale (All): 0
Number of modifications: 0

[ ]

Now on sale: 0
Was on sale (All): 0
Number of modifications: 0

[ Engine power 95 kW ]

Now on sale: 0
Was on sale (All): 0
Number of modifications: 0

[ Working speed 12 km/h ]

Now on sale: 0
Was on sale (All): 0
Number of modifications: 0

[ ]

Now on sale: 0
Was on sale (All): 0
Number of modifications: 0

[ ]

Now on sale: 0
Was on sale (All): 0
Number of modifications: 0

[ Vibration frequency 36 Hz ]

Now on sale: 0
Was on sale (All): 0
Number of modifications: 0

[ ]

Now on sale: 0
Was on sale (All): 0
Number of modifications: 0

[ Turning radius (outside) 3874 mm. ]

Now on sale: 0
Was on sale (All): 0
Number of modifications: 0

[ Engine power 135 kW ]

Now on sale: 0
Was on sale (All): 0
Number of modifications: 0

[ Roller width 2130 mm. ]

Now on sale: 0
Was on sale (All): 0
Number of modifications: 0

[ Roller width 2130 mm. ]

Now on sale: 3
Was on sale (All): 3
Number of modifications: 0

[ Vibration frequency 40 Hz ]

Now on sale: 0
Was on sale (All): 0
Number of modifications: 0

[ Roller diameter 1500 mm. ]

Now on sale: 0
Was on sale (All): 0
Number of modifications: 0

[ Working speed 10 km/h ]

Now on sale: 0
Was on sale (All): 0
Number of modifications: 0

[ Engine power 98 kW ]

Now on sale: 1
Was on sale (All): 1
Number of modifications: 0

[ Turning radius (outside) 4117 mm. ]

Now on sale: 0
Was on sale (All): 0
Number of modifications: 0

[ Vibration amplitude (max) 1.98 mm. ]

Now on sale: 1
Was on sale (All): 1
Number of modifications: 0

[ Engine power 75 kW ]

Now on sale: 0
Was on sale (All): 0
Number of modifications: 0

[ Engine power 107 kW ]

Now on sale: 0
Was on sale (All): 0
Number of modifications: 0

[ Vibration frequency 36 Hz ]

Now on sale: 0
Was on sale (All): 0
Number of modifications: 0

[ Working speed 12 km/h ]

Now on sale: 0
Was on sale (All): 0
Number of modifications: 0

[ Engine power 95 kW ]

Now on sale: 0
Was on sale (All): 0
Number of modifications: 0

[ Working speed 12 km/h ]

Now on sale: 2
Was on sale (All): 2
Number of modifications: 0

[ Roller width 2130 mm. ]

Now on sale: 0
Was on sale (All): 0
Number of modifications: 0

[ Vibration frequency 26 Hz ]

Now on sale: 0
Was on sale (All): 0
Number of modifications: 0

[ Vibration frequency 28 Hz ]

Now on sale: 0
Was on sale (All): 0
Number of modifications: 0

[ Roller width 2130 mm. ]

Now on sale: 0
Was on sale (All): 0
Number of modifications: 0

[ Turning radius (outside) 3494 mm. ]

Now on sale: 0
Was on sale (All): 0
Number of modifications: 0

[ Engine power 115 kW ]

Now on sale: 0
Was on sale (All): 0
Number of modifications: 0

[ ]

Now on sale: 0
Was on sale (All): 0
Number of modifications: 0

[ Engine power 115 kW ]

Now on sale: 0
Was on sale (All): 0
Number of modifications: 0

[ Vibration amplitude (max) 1.9 mm. ]

Now on sale: 3
Was on sale (All): 3
Number of modifications: 0

[ Working speed 10 km/h ]

Now on sale: 3
Was on sale (All): 3
Number of modifications: 0

[ ]

Now on sale: 1
Was on sale (All): 1
Number of modifications: 0

[ Roller diameter 1500 mm. ]

Now on sale: 1
Was on sale (All): 1
Number of modifications: 0

[ Roller diameter 1480 mm. ]

Now on sale: 0
Was on sale (All): 0
Number of modifications: 0

[ Engine power 75 kW ]

Now on sale: 0
Was on sale (All): 0
Number of modifications: 0

[ Vibration frequency 40 Hz ]

Now on sale: 0
Was on sale (All): 0
Number of modifications: 0

[ Turning radius (outside) 3677 mm. ]

Now on sale: 0
Was on sale (All): 0
Number of modifications: 0

[ Roller diameter 1058 mm. ]

Now on sale: 0
Was on sale (All): 0
Number of modifications: 0

BOMAG Road Milling Machines

[ Working width 1000 mm. ]

Now on sale: 1
Was on sale (All): 1
Number of modifications: 0

[ Working speed 30 m/min ]

Now on sale: 0
Was on sale (All): 0
Number of modifications: 0

[ Working width 600 mm. ]

Now on sale: 0
Was on sale (All): 0
Number of modifications: 0

[ Working width 2000 mm. ]

Now on sale: 6
Was on sale (All): 6
Number of modifications: 0

[ ]

Now on sale: 4
Was on sale (All): 4
Number of modifications: 0

[ ]

Now on sale: 5
Was on sale (All): 5
Number of modifications: 0

[ Working speed 50 m/min ]

Now on sale: 0
Was on sale (All): 0
Number of modifications: 0

[ Working speed 50 m/min ]

Now on sale: 0
Was on sale (All): 0
Number of modifications: 0

[ Engine power 92 kW ]

Now on sale: 1
Was on sale (All): 1
Number of modifications: 0

[ Working width 2200 mm. ]

Now on sale: 7
Was on sale (All): 7
Number of modifications: 0

[ ]

Now on sale: 0
Was on sale (All): 0
Number of modifications: 0

[ Engine volume 16 l ]

Now on sale: 0
Was on sale (All): 0
Number of modifications: 0

[ Working width 2200 mm. ]

Now on sale: 8
Was on sale (All): 8
Number of modifications: 0

BOMAG Tracked Asphalt Placers

[ ]

Now on sale: 0
Was on sale (All): 0
Number of modifications: 0

[ Engine power 140 kW ]

Now on sale: 0
Was on sale (All): 0
Number of modifications: 0

[ Engine power 205 kW ]

Now on sale: 0
Was on sale (All): 0
Number of modifications: 0

[ Width with extensions (max.) 4000 mm. ]

Now on sale: 0
Was on sale (All): 0
Number of modifications: 0

[ Width with extensions (max.) 10000 mm. ]

Now on sale: 1
Was on sale (All): 1
Number of modifications: 0

[ Working speed 50 m/min ]

Now on sale: 0
Was on sale (All): 0
Number of modifications: 0

[ ]

Now on sale: 1
Was on sale (All): 1
Number of modifications: 0

[ ]

Now on sale: 0
Was on sale (All): 0
Number of modifications: 0

[ Engine power 120 kW ]

Now on sale: 2
Was on sale (All): 2
Number of modifications: 0

[ ]

Now on sale: 5
Was on sale (All): 5
Number of modifications: 0

[ Engine power 113 kW ]

Now on sale: 4
Was on sale (All): 4
Number of modifications: 0

[ Width with extensions (max.) 9000 mm. ]

Now on sale: 2
Was on sale (All): 2
Number of modifications: 0

[ ]

Now on sale: 0
Was on sale (All): 0
Number of modifications: 0

[ ]

Now on sale: 0
Was on sale (All): 0
Number of modifications: 0

[ ]

Now on sale: 0
Was on sale (All): 0
Number of modifications: 0

[ Width with extensions (max.) 4000 mm. ]

Now on sale: 3
Was on sale (All): 3
Number of modifications: 0

[ Engine power 140 kW ]

Now on sale: 0
Was on sale (All): 0
Number of modifications: 0

[ ]

Now on sale: 0
Was on sale (All): 0
Number of modifications: 0

[ ]

Now on sale: 0
Was on sale (All): 0
Number of modifications: 0

[ ]

Now on sale: 5
Was on sale (All): 5
Number of modifications: 0

[ ]

Now on sale: 1
Was on sale (All): 1
Number of modifications: 0

[ ]

Now on sale: 0
Was on sale (All): 0
Number of modifications: 0

[ ]

Now on sale: 0
Was on sale (All): 0
Number of modifications: 0

[ ]

Now on sale: 0
Was on sale (All): 0
Number of modifications: 0

[ Width with extensions (max.) 9000 mm. ]

Now on sale: 0
Was on sale (All): 0
Number of modifications: 0

[ ]

Now on sale: 0
Was on sale (All): 0
Number of modifications: 0

[ Engine power 128 kW ]

Now on sale: 2
Was on sale (All): 2
Number of modifications: 0

[ Engine power 128 kW ]

Now on sale: 0
Was on sale (All): 0
Number of modifications: 0

[ Working speed 25 m/min ]

Now on sale: 1
Was on sale (All): 1
Number of modifications: 0

[ Width with extensions (max.) 9000 mm. ]

Now on sale: 0
Was on sale (All): 0
Number of modifications: 0

[ Engine power 113 kW ]

Now on sale: 0
Was on sale (All): 0
Number of modifications: 0

[ ]

Now on sale: 0
Was on sale (All): 0
Number of modifications: 0

[ Engine power 128 kW ]

Now on sale: 0
Was on sale (All): 0
Number of modifications: 0

[ ]

Now on sale: 2
Was on sale (All): 2
Number of modifications: 0

BOMAG Tandem Rollers

[ ]

Now on sale: 19
Was on sale (All): 19
Number of modifications: 0

[ Vibration frequency 40 Hz ]

Now on sale: 5
Was on sale (All): 5
Number of modifications: 0

[ Engine power 55.4 kW ]

Now on sale: 3
Was on sale (All): 3
Number of modifications: 0

[ Working speed 10 km/h ]

Now on sale: 7
Was on sale (All): 7
Number of modifications: 0

[ ]

Now on sale: 68
Was on sale (All): 68
Number of modifications: 0

[ Working speed 5 km/h ]

Now on sale: 2
Was on sale (All): 2
Number of modifications: 0

[ Turning radius (outside) 2080 mm. ]

Now on sale: 5
Was on sale (All): 5
Number of modifications: 0

[ Roller diameter 900 mm. ]

Now on sale: 2
Was on sale (All): 2
Number of modifications: 0

[ Vibration frequency 77 Hz ]

Now on sale: 0
Was on sale (All): 0
Number of modifications: 0

[ Roller width 1680 mm. ]

Now on sale: 2
Was on sale (All): 2
Number of modifications: 0

[ ]

Now on sale: 4
Was on sale (All): 4
Number of modifications: 0

[ Working speed 10 km/h ]

Now on sale: 3
Was on sale (All): 3
Number of modifications: 0

[ ]

Now on sale: 1
Was on sale (All): 1
Number of modifications: 0

[ Roller width 2135 mm. ]

Now on sale: 0
Was on sale (All): 0
Number of modifications: 0

[ Roller width 710 mm. ]

Now on sale: 0
Was on sale (All): 0
Number of modifications: 0

[ Vibration frequency 4 Hz ]

Now on sale: 13
Was on sale (All): 13
Number of modifications: 0

[ Engine power 85 kW ]

Now on sale: 0
Was on sale (All): 0
Number of modifications: 0

[ Roller diameter 1100 mm. ]

Now on sale: 1
Was on sale (All): 1
Number of modifications: 0

[ Working speed 15 km/h ]

Now on sale: 0
Was on sale (All): 0
Number of modifications: 0

[ ]

Now on sale: 28
Was on sale (All): 28
Number of modifications: 0

[ Roller width 1500 mm. ]

Now on sale: 0
Was on sale (All): 0
Number of modifications: 0

[ Engine power 100 kW ]

Now on sale: 0
Was on sale (All): 0
Number of modifications: 0

[ Roller width 2000 mm. ]

Now on sale: 0
Was on sale (All): 0
Number of modifications: 0

[ Engine power 100 kW ]

Now on sale: 0
Was on sale (All): 0
Number of modifications: 0

[ ]

Now on sale: 0
Was on sale (All): 0
Number of modifications: 0

[ Engine power 74.4 kW ]

Now on sale: 4
Was on sale (All): 4
Number of modifications: 0

[ ]

Now on sale: 0
Was on sale (All): 0
Number of modifications: 0

[ Working speed 12 km/h ]

Now on sale: 2
Was on sale (All): 2
Number of modifications: 0

[ Turning radius (outside) 4390 mm. ]

Now on sale: 1
Was on sale (All): 1
Number of modifications: 0

[ Roller diameter 1220 mm. ]

Now on sale: 0
Was on sale (All): 0
Number of modifications: 0

[ Roller width 1500 mm. ]

Now on sale: 5
Was on sale (All): 5
Number of modifications: 0

[ Roller width 2135 mm. ]

Now on sale: 0
Was on sale (All): 0
Number of modifications: 0

[ ]

Now on sale: 1
Was on sale (All): 1
Number of modifications: 0

[ Roller diameter 1400 mm. ]

Now on sale: 0
Was on sale (All): 0
Number of modifications: 0

[ Engine power 105 kW ]

Now on sale: 0
Was on sale (All): 0
Number of modifications: 0

[ Vibration frequency 42 Hz ]

Now on sale: 0
Was on sale (All): 0
Number of modifications: 0

[ Working speed 11 km/h ]

Now on sale: 0
Was on sale (All): 0
Number of modifications: 0

[ ]

Now on sale: 67
Was on sale (All): 67
Number of modifications: 0

[ Roller width 1680 mm. ]

Now on sale: 3
Was on sale (All): 3
Number of modifications: 0

[ Roller width 1680 mm. ]

Now on sale: 0
Was on sale (All): 0
Number of modifications: 0

[ Roller diameter 580 mm. ]

Now on sale: 4
Was on sale (All): 4
Number of modifications: 0

[ Turning radius (outside) 1980 mm. ]

Now on sale: 43
Was on sale (All): 43
Number of modifications: 0

[ Vibration frequency 40 Hz ]

Now on sale: 0
Was on sale (All): 0
Number of modifications: 0

[ Working speed 12 km/h ]

Now on sale: 1
Was on sale (All): 1
Number of modifications: 0

[ Roller diameter 1220 mm. ]

Now on sale: 5
Was on sale (All): 5
Number of modifications: 0

[ Vibration frequency 46 Hz ]

Now on sale: 1
Was on sale (All): 1
Number of modifications: 0

[ Vibration frequency 60 Hz ]

Now on sale: 10
Was on sale (All): 10
Number of modifications: 0

[ ]

Now on sale: 2
Was on sale (All): 2
Number of modifications: 0

[ Roller width 1000 mm. ]

Now on sale: 6
Was on sale (All): 6
Number of modifications: 0

[ Roller diameter 580 mm. ]

Now on sale: 0
Was on sale (All): 0
Number of modifications: 0

[ Roller diameter 700 mm. ]

Now on sale: 10
Was on sale (All): 10
Number of modifications: 0

[ Roller diameter 400 mm. ]

Now on sale: 7
Was on sale (All): 7
Number of modifications: 0

[ ]

Now on sale: 3
Was on sale (All): 3
Number of modifications: 0

[ Engine power 10 kW ]

Now on sale: 0
Was on sale (All): 0
Number of modifications: 0

[ Engine power 23.5 kW ]

Now on sale: 2
Was on sale (All): 2
Number of modifications: 0

[ ]

Now on sale: 8
Was on sale (All): 8
Number of modifications: 0

[ Roller width 750 mm. ]

Now on sale: 0
Was on sale (All): 0
Number of modifications: 0

[ Engine power 19.5 kW ]

Now on sale: 1
Was on sale (All): 1
Number of modifications: 0

[ ]

Now on sale: 16
Was on sale (All): 16
Number of modifications: 0

[ Engine power 51 kW ]

Now on sale: 3
Was on sale (All): 3
Number of modifications: 0

[ Turning radius (outside) 4673 mm. ]

Now on sale: 2
Was on sale (All): 2
Number of modifications: 0

[ Engine power 10 kW ]

Now on sale: 1
Was on sale (All): 1
Number of modifications: 0

[ Engine power 51 kW ]

Now on sale: 2
Was on sale (All): 2
Number of modifications: 0

[ Engine power 19.5 kW ]

Now on sale: 1
Was on sale (All): 1
Number of modifications: 0

[ ]

Now on sale: 0
Was on sale (All): 0
Number of modifications: 0

[ Engine power 51 kW ]

Now on sale: 0
Was on sale (All): 0
Number of modifications: 0

[ Working speed 2.5 km/h ]

Now on sale: 1
Was on sale (All): 1
Number of modifications: 0

[ Roller width 1800 mm. ]

Now on sale: 1
Was on sale (All): 1
Number of modifications: 0

[ Vibration frequency 45 Hz ]

Now on sale: 0
Was on sale (All): 0
Number of modifications: 0

[ Engine power 70 kW ]

Now on sale: 0
Was on sale (All): 0
Number of modifications: 0

[ Roller width 2135 mm. ]

Now on sale: 0
Was on sale (All): 0
Number of modifications: 0

[ Vibration frequency 55 Hz ]

Now on sale: 4
Was on sale (All): 4
Number of modifications: 0

[ ]

Now on sale: 0
Was on sale (All): 0
Number of modifications: 0

[ Roller width 1800 mm. ]

Now on sale: 1
Was on sale (All): 1
Number of modifications: 0

[ Roller width 600 mm. ]

Now on sale: 1
Was on sale (All): 1
Number of modifications: 0

[ Engine power 70 kW ]

Now on sale: 0
Was on sale (All): 0
Number of modifications: 0

[ Engine power 24.7 kW ]

Now on sale: 2
Was on sale (All): 2
Number of modifications: 0

[ ]

Now on sale: 0
Was on sale (All): 0
Number of modifications: 0

[ Roller width 1200 mm. ]

Now on sale: 2
Was on sale (All): 2
Number of modifications: 0

[ Roller width 650 mm. ]

Now on sale: 0
Was on sale (All): 0
Number of modifications: 0

[ Engine power 13.2 kW ]

Now on sale: 0
Was on sale (All): 0
Number of modifications: 0

[ Roller width 1680 mm. ]

Now on sale: 1
Was on sale (All): 1
Number of modifications: 0

[ Engine power 34.5 kW ]

Now on sale: 0
Was on sale (All): 0
Number of modifications: 0

[ ]

Now on sale: 0
Was on sale (All): 0
Number of modifications: 0

[ Turning radius (outside) 5117 mm. ]

Now on sale: 0
Was on sale (All): 0
Number of modifications: 0

[ Engine power 58 kW ]

Now on sale: 0
Was on sale (All): 0
Number of modifications: 0

[ ]

Now on sale: 0
Was on sale (All): 0
Number of modifications: 0

[ Engine power 58 kW ]

Now on sale: 0
Was on sale (All): 0
Number of modifications: 0

[ Engine power 51 kW ]

Now on sale: 1
Was on sale (All): 1
Number of modifications: 0

[ ]

Now on sale: 0
Was on sale (All): 0
Number of modifications: 0

[ ]

Now on sale: 8
Was on sale (All): 8
Number of modifications: 0

[ Roller diameter 1400 mm. ]

Now on sale: 1
Was on sale (All): 1
Number of modifications: 0

[ ]

Now on sale: 2
Was on sale (All): 2
Number of modifications: 0

[ Working speed 12 km/h ]

Now on sale: 1
Was on sale (All): 1
Number of modifications: 0

[ Working speed 10.5 km/h ]

Now on sale: 0
Was on sale (All): 0
Number of modifications: 0

[ ]

Now on sale: 2
Was on sale (All): 2
Number of modifications: 0

[ Vibration frequency 45 Hz ]

Now on sale: 0
Was on sale (All): 0
Number of modifications: 0

[ Roller diameter 1400 mm. ]

Now on sale: 0
Was on sale (All): 0
Number of modifications: 0

[ ]

Now on sale: 0
Was on sale (All): 0
Number of modifications: 0

[ Engine power 70 kW ]

Now on sale: 0
Was on sale (All): 0
Number of modifications: 0

[ Engine power 60 kW ]

Now on sale: 0
Was on sale (All): 0
Number of modifications: 0

[ Engine power 75 kW ]

Now on sale: 0
Was on sale (All): 0
Number of modifications: 0

[ Engine power 58 kW ]

Now on sale: 0
Was on sale (All): 0
Number of modifications: 0

[ Engine power 60 kW ]

Now on sale: 2
Was on sale (All): 2
Number of modifications: 0

[ Engine power 50 kW ]

Now on sale: 0
Was on sale (All): 0
Number of modifications: 0

[ Engine power 51 kW ]

Now on sale: 0
Was on sale (All): 0
Number of modifications: 0

[ Roller width 1680 mm. ]

Now on sale: 1
Was on sale (All): 1
Number of modifications: 0

[ Roller width 900 mm. ]

Now on sale: 0
Was on sale (All): 0
Number of modifications: 0

[ Roller width 600 mm. ]

Now on sale: 0
Was on sale (All): 0
Number of modifications: 0

[ ]

Now on sale: 0
Was on sale (All): 0
Number of modifications: 0

[ Engine power 60 kW ]

Now on sale: 2
Was on sale (All): 2
Number of modifications: 0

[ Engine power 58 kW ]

Now on sale: 0
Was on sale (All): 0
Number of modifications: 0

[ ]

Now on sale: 0
Was on sale (All): 0
Number of modifications: 0

[ Engine power 69 kW ]

Now on sale: 0
Was on sale (All): 0
Number of modifications: 0

[ Engine power 22.7 kW ]

Now on sale: 0
Was on sale (All): 0
Number of modifications: 0

[ ]

Now on sale: 0
Was on sale (All): 0
Number of modifications: 0

[ ]

Now on sale: 0
Was on sale (All): 0
Number of modifications: 0

[ Roller diameter 1400 mm. ]

Now on sale: 0
Was on sale (All): 0
Number of modifications: 0

[ Roller width 1540 mm. ]

Now on sale: 1
Was on sale (All): 1
Number of modifications: 0

[ ]

Now on sale: 0
Was on sale (All): 0
Number of modifications: 0

[ Engine power 103 kW ]

Now on sale: 0
Was on sale (All): 0
Number of modifications: 0

[ ]

Now on sale: 1
Was on sale (All): 1
Number of modifications: 0

[ ]

Now on sale: 1
Was on sale (All): 1
Number of modifications: 0

[ Roller diameter 1220 mm. ]

Now on sale: 0
Was on sale (All): 0
Number of modifications: 0

[ Roller width 1680 mm. ]

Now on sale: 0
Was on sale (All): 0
Number of modifications: 0

[ Engine power 10.5 kW ]

Now on sale: 0
Was on sale (All): 0
Number of modifications: 0

[ Engine power 76 kW ]

Now on sale: 0
Was on sale (All): 0
Number of modifications: 0

[ ]

Now on sale: 0
Was on sale (All): 0
Number of modifications: 0

[ Roller width 2000 mm. ]

Now on sale: 0
Was on sale (All): 0
Number of modifications: 0

[ Vibration frequency 40 Hz ]

Now on sale: 0
Was on sale (All): 0
Number of modifications: 0

BOMAG Trench Rollers

[ Roller width 850 mm. ]

Now on sale: 6
Was on sale (All): 6
Number of modifications: 0

[ Vibration frequency 32 Hz ]

Now on sale: 1
Was on sale (All): 1
Number of modifications: 0

[ ]

Now on sale: 1
Was on sale (All): 1
Number of modifications: 0

[ ]

Now on sale: 0
Was on sale (All): 0
Number of modifications: 0

[ ]

Now on sale: 2
Was on sale (All): 2
Number of modifications: 0

[ ]

Now on sale: 0
Was on sale (All): 0
Number of modifications: 0

[ ]

Now on sale: 0
Was on sale (All): 0
Number of modifications: 0

[ ]

Now on sale: 0
Was on sale (All): 0
Number of modifications: 0

[ ]

Now on sale: 0
Was on sale (All): 0
Number of modifications: 0

[ ]

Now on sale: 0
Was on sale (All): 0
Number of modifications: 0

[ ]

Now on sale: 0
Was on sale (All): 0
Number of modifications: 0

[ ]

Now on sale: 0
Was on sale (All): 0
Number of modifications: 0

[ ]

Now on sale: 0
Was on sale (All): 0
Number of modifications: 0