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For buyers

Dear looking for machines and various industrial and technical equipment, this section will provide information about the features and services offered to you by our webpage. And also about the main differences between our site from other portals dealing with similar activities.

Online calculation for shipping costs and customs duties

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Automatic translation of each article

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Possibility to purchase equipment direct from the catalouge

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Remote conduct of an independent examination

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Online calculation for shipping costs and customs duties

Our portal provides an instant online calculation of estimated total costs for equipment. Each supplier fills the transport characteristics of the goods during adding his offer of equipment. Based on these data, considering the location using certain of the original formula, customs data, and a number of factors, our system calculates the approximate final cost of the equipment at the end point. The obtained result is not an exact finite sum, but you will be able to cater for this amount in the selection of equipment, as after a precise calculation, using requests will have insubstantial deviation. With this you can see some transport companies engaged in transportation in this area. More detailed information on the calculation of this service online, you can find in the help section - buyers - calculation online.

Automatic translation of each article

Our Catalouge offers an unuique system, which is providing for each article, before inserting it into the webpage, to translate the description in all availible languages of our portal.

Possibility to purchase equipment direct from the catalouge

As an extension to the search in our catalouge you can also order a safe purchase of choosen equipment via TOOLZON. The procedure of purchase is possible across of all coverer countries. We offer a transparent costs model and clear task description for all requiered activities.

Remote conduct of an independent examination

In any country there is a golden rule of trade, the seller needs to sell, and the buyer needs to buy exactly what he wants. Very often there are sellers who, to put it mildly, do not provide comprehensive information about the equipment to the buyer. They cover up defects, damages that can manifest themselves at the most inopportune moment of equipment operation. And not necessarily this, if I may say so, a "surprise" from the supplier will manifest itself in the first weeks or months, and maybe even years of operation of the equipment. In order to insure ourselves against such a situation, we offer you the service of organizing an independent examination of equipment on site. Of course, you can do all this yourself, because you know the addresses and phone numbers of suppliers, and you can find companies that provide such services by going online. But let's see if the game is worth the candle? Think how much time and money you will spend on organizing an independent examination of equipment abroad, in a country where your language is not spoken, so you will need a qualified translator, add to this the money spent on communication, as well as your precious time. Our company will take all the trouble on itself for a small commission, and also in the future will competently translate the entire report obtained as a result of the examination into your understandable and easy-to-read native language.